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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We have to stop our DISSY lives starting to live in true recovery
Author: Fraser Trevor
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We have to stop our DISSY lives starting to live in true recovery, no matter the consequences. We emerge into the open with our new recove...
We have to stop our DISSY lives starting to live in true recovery, no matter the consequences. We emerge into the open with our new recovery. Importantly, we emerge as a new variation of recovery, fearlessly aligned with our truth.

Yet we may succumb to fear. When the ideas we hold are too revolutionary, too unsettling for the family and the norm and even our conventional sides to accept, we fear expressing the truth. We know the consequences of familial and social ostracism are painful to bear. We fear giving birth to the new recovery that is developing within us because we will be banished. We may let the idea die within us, such that this new life becomes stillborn, causing no disturbance to our status quo. In this way no conscience is challenged and no mind is forced to question—and we hide within the walls of conformity. Our sword of truth remains hidden in a sheathe of fear. And slowly once more we begin to die.

But for us there comes a time when we are strong enough, when critical mass is reached. We rally our forces and choose to honour the recovery, the creativity that teem within us. Do or die, we must be honest in our relationship to the child within. We begin to live openly with our new recovery exposed—refusing to bow down in order to protect the betrayals of the family and culture. We do not worry about the future or about consequences. We take the action and we let go of the results.

