New Designer Drugs
Found in minute quantities in certain Amazonian plants and in the human brain. Smoked, the effects are nearly instantaneous and very strange. "The closest you'll get to experiencing death bar actually dying" as one user put it.
Dose 2-60mg
Duration Less than 10 minutes
Legal status Class A
Price £100 a gram on the street
5-Meo-DMT Methoxydimethyltryptamine
A more powerful sister compound of DMT, occurring naturally in the venom of the Bufo alvarius toad but generally smoked in synthesised form. Not uncommon for those who take large amounts to suffer psychological and emotional difficulties for weeks afterwards.
Dose 1-20mg (smaller than a grain of salt)
Duration 5-20 minutes
Legal status Class A but available to buy on the internet
Price $175 (about £90) a gram
2C-I (2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenethylamine)
Most likely candidate for the coveted title "the next ecstasy".
Powerful psychedelic stimulant described as a cross between MDMA and LSD but with much gentler side-effects. Already appearing in pill form on the UK dance scene.
Dose 10-25mg
Duration 5-8 hours
Legal status Class A but available to buy on the internet
Price $299 a gram web price; £10 a pill on the street
2C-T-2 (2,5-dimethyoxy-4-ethylthiophenethylamine)
Respected psychedelic, from the same phenethylamine family as MDMA and mescaline.
Noted for its warmth and "outrageous visuals".
Dose 10-25mg
Duration 5-8 hours
Legal status Class A but available to buy on the internet
Price $299 a gram web price; £10 a pill on the street
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