for permanent recovery…
- Designer Drugs
- levamisole
- Drug Death
- '
- 000
- 29
- AMY Winehouse's family are convinced she was killed by QUITTING booze
- Addiction Recovery
- Almost 8
- Recovery
- Teesside
- is the dissolution of the unconscious.
- says survey
- that overused and often distorted word
- video -
- "RECOVERY TABLE" Spiritual Awakening
- "there is no possibility of Mr Warren being fitted up".He dismissed the defence appeal as "not relevant".Advocate Michael Haine
- 'Damaged people are dangerous': Russell Brand sends powerful message as he poses in heels:
- 'Find the missing opium.'
- 'Fix rooms' for addicts in Glasgow to cost more than £2.3m a year
- 'Food is my drug': Loose Women's Nadia Sawalha reveals she has an eating disorder
- 'Meeting new women became an addiction': one woman
- 'Meth addiction made my feet freeze off': Story of Olympic athlete
- 'My tanning addiction almost killed me
- 'Neurology time bomb' on the cards for NHS
- 'Trauma
- 'With humility': UK offers help in solving PH drug problem
- 000 abuse cases of vulnerable adults reported
- 000 border arrests due to screening system
- 000 can-a-year Red Bull addiction
- 000 cases of adult abuse or neglect reported to HSE:
- 000 gang debt
- 000 in the US last year
- 000 in three hours
- 000 miles in search of answers on drug addiction
- 000 people
- 000 people in Britain claim incapacity benefit because they are alcoholics
- 000 people will die over the next 10 years from drink unless cheap alcohol is banned
- 000 times deadlier than heroin kills 15 in UK city
- 000 to drug suppliers after he lost a load of B.C. bud pot in the wilderness
- 000 worth of cocaine
- 10
- 10 things you only know if you're addicted to sales shopping
- 1000 children may have been victims in Britain's biggest ever child abuse scandal -
- 15 year old British holidaymaker taken into care as his aunt is drunk
- 1980 letter that helped launch the opioid crisis
- 2004 Canadian survey of smokers found that 1 of 5 participants reported having smoked less due to graphic health warnings
- 25
- 27
- 3 million violent crimes occur each year in which victims perceive the offender to have been drinking. The list includes rapes and sexual assaults
- 30 dates | Life and style | The Guardian
- 36
- 36 and Katalin Rackso
- 53 are believed to have attempted to smuggle the drug into Canada from their base in London.
- 628 Self-Portraits Under the Influence of Love and Other Drugs
- 68 balloons full of heroin
- 80
- 90
- : People don't really want to grow up
- A Nation 'Addicted' To Statins...
- A dangerous addiction
- A drug addict from western Newfoundland has blamed his most recent run in with the law on getting kicked off Newfoundland and Labrador's methadone program.
- A mind-altering drug banned in Britain two years ago is being blamed for the spate of cannibal attacks in America.
- A rare glimpse of life inside Broadway Lodge addiction rehab centre
- A sense of powerlessness is the key experience of abuse and the gateway to addiction
- AAP says number of children addicted to opioids is growing
- ADDICTION charity Focus12 has received a huge financial boost after a codumentary about Russell Brand was shown last night.
- Aaron Carter opens up about addiction to pills
- Academics and SNP figures say drug decriminalisation could help Scotland reduce deaths | CommonSpace
- Acceptance is key to transformation.
- Action plan to reduce rough sleeping
- Actress Lindsay Lohan has been sent back to jail after failing a court-ordered drug test.
- Addict: Virtual World Crowds Out Real Life
- Addicted to water
- Addiction - One Of The Many Causes Of Homelessness
- Addiction UK is about De-Programming the mind of addiction
- Addiction Uk Supports the Revolutionary New Concept in Recovery thats sweeping the Internet
- Addiction crisis fears as opioid painkiller overdoses soar in UK
- Addiction expert on Davina McCall show likens iPads to ‘digital heroin’
- Addiction to prescription pills will overtake HEROIN
- Addiction vaccine could be approved in five years
- Addiction's Brain Abnormalities Can Be Reversed
- Addictive Personalities And Mental Health
- Addicts may have glitch in frontal brain
- Addicts should be able to take banned substances without fear of prosecution in 'drug consumption rooms'
- Addicts warned: Facebook groups are not anonymous
- Alcohol 'addict' sues Bradenton bar for serving him too many drinks
- Alcohol Delivery Service's Meme Ads Banned After Complaint
- Alcohol consumption is attributed to one in every 25 deaths all across the world
- Alcohol had been a constant feature in Maria Clyne's career as an IT trainer.
- Alcohol the only drug that kills on withdrawal:Winehouse's dad says he thinks seizure killed her
- Alcohol triples a person's likelihood of taking cocaine
- Alcoholic Spray Promises a Few Seconds of Instant Intoxication [VIDEO]
- Alcoholism and Addiction Recovery: Carlos Santana:
- Almost one in three drugs overdoses in Europe recorded in UK
- Amy Winehouse leaves £2 million fortune behind
- Amy Winehouse's Rehab Helps Women Overcome Their Addictions |
- Amy's Place: Inside The Women-Only Rehab Centre
- And These Signs Can Help You Detect It
- And where is this heaven
- Angry Birds” – which is basically a drone that has been specially developed to take down drug-running ultralight airplanes that are utilized by gangs in order to smuggle illegal substances
- Ant McPartlin arrested
- Ant McPartlin rehab: Wife Lisa Armstrong ‘still struggling’
- Ant McPartlin settles into home life after rehab stint
- Ant McPartlin's wife Lisa Armstrong sports wedding ring
- Anthony Galea indicted on five counts for drug smuggling
- Anti-Corruption prosecutors to be strengthened in Málaga
- Apple investors warn iPhone addiction is 'growing public health crisis'
- Are alcoholics born or made?:
- Are sunbeds good for you?
- Are we reaching the end of the US opioid epidemic?
- Army Records Show
- Arrest over attempted murder shooting in South Tyneside
- Arrests of UK citizens in Spain
- Artist Draws 8
- As overdose deaths hit record levels
- Ask a counsellor: Am I addicted to porn?
- At my peak I was on seven bars a day
- Australia
- Authorities said they seized nearly $2 million and more than 360 pounds of marijuana."
- Awkward moment Dec Donnelly refers to Ant McPartlin's drug problem TWICE in I'm A Celebrity launch show
- Baby boomers 'worst drinkers and drug users'
- Bali jails Australian boy over cannabis possession
- Bali nine drug mule Martin Stephens
- Ballymena Crown Court
- Ban betting firms from sponsoring football shirts
- Baxter
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Be fearlessly yourself
- Benedict (like Bill W) realized we must understand our dependence on God before being restored to sanity.
- Betting and media firms offer to fund addiction awareness ad campaign
- Beware Referral Agencies
- Beyond Birth:
- Bill Wilson is on record for having found a solution in 1960 for treating anxiety and depression
- Binge drinking Britain end
- Binge drinking warning: THIS is the real damage it could do to your brain
- Black-tar heroin
- Bobo
- Body found in search for Dublin drug addict killed over $4
- Botched knee op which spun Ant McPartlin into devastating drug addiction
- Bottle tagging call in bid to beat underage boozers
- Brain scans may show addiction to soda
- Breaking Free of the Co-dependency Trap
- Brian Regan: Brookside star to cocaine addict
- Brighton
- Bristol
- Bristol named cocaine capital of UK - Bristol Post
- British police force to stop prosecuting low-level heroin dealers
- Britons are snorting 30 tonnes of cocaine a year and consider the drug to be a socially acceptable part of a night out
- Britons living overseas defrauded 43 million pounds in benefit fraud in 2011
- Brits spend more time on the loo than they do on exercise
- Buss had a tourniquet on one of his arms and a needle and heroin were in plain sight inside the car
- COLOMBIAN lingerie model
- Calangute
- Call for 'drug room' in Sheffield as deaths and paraphernalia clean-up call outs rise in Sheffield
- Call for drug laws devolution to allow 'fix room'
- Calls to ban 'legal high' energy drinks from schools
- Can we ‘outsmart’ smartphone addiction
- Canada and Colombia
- Cannabis Debate
- Cannabis memory effects examined
- Cannabis taxation: a win-win all round
- Carrie Fisher autopsy reveals she had cocaine
- Castington young offenders’ institution
- Cat Deeley breaks silence on Ant McPartlin's drug addiction
- Caught with six kilos of cannabis and you could still avoid jail
- Celebrity.Rehab
- Charlie Sheen 'Doesn't Think He's Going to Die
- Charlie Sheen Checks In to Rehab
- Charlie Sheen Opens Up on Relationship With 'Goddesses
- Charlie Sheen replied
- Charlie Sheen: "I'm on a drug. It's called Charlie Sheen" -
- Chester-le-Street
- Child-size replica shirts.
- Chinese scientists 'erase' drug memories in heroin addicts
- Christmas is one of the toughest times of the year | The Independent:
- Christopher "Dudus" Coke and a manhunt is currently underway
- Cigarette makers must add large
- Claus Mogensen 45 years old is a chronic drug addict who lives in Arhus
- Cocaine vs. Amphetamine
- Cody Lumpkin is a 7-4 soulja till da end
- Coke and Pepsi contain tiny traces of alcohol
- Come
- Comic Russell Brand is convinced his rise to stardom was delayed because his addiction to heroin
- Confronting the Opioid Epidemic
- Could a heroin vaccine cure the west’s drug epidemic?
- Council's 'alarming' £1.6million slash from drug and alcohol treatment budget is costing lives
- Couriers on Britain's shopping addiction: 'Customers don't care as long as it's cheap'
- CreatingMinds - quotes and quotations from the wise on all matters creative
- Cure me
- Curtis Warren has questioned the prosecution's late submission of material during his trial for plotting to bring drugs to Jersey.
- Customs officers 'told not to look for smugglers at Heathrow' after Christmas
- DEA Bans Synthetic Cocaine Masked As Bath Salts
- DEA believes the problem has stretched far beyond the St. Louis city and metropolitan area
- Dad loses 8st after overcoming 2
- Deadly Drug Overdose Leads to Pill-Pushing Doctor
- Death rate of Northern Ireland women from too much alcohol nearly doubles in three years
- Deaths on UK roads
- Decrease Alcohol Use
- Defeat Your Ego Before it Defeats You
- Demi Lovato details intervention which got her sober
- Demi Lovato: 'I'm just grateful to be alive'
- Denmark's second largest city
- Denmark.
- Dennis Rodman's alcohol abuse
- Dentist warns of opioid addictions after son's overdose
- Depeche Mode singer Dave Gahan
- Detailed survey of over 8000 young motorists
- Diabulimia is the 'most dangerous eating disorder' most of us have never heard of
- Digital addiction
- Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Disgraced X-Factor singer admits her drug addiction
- Dissociation Diagnosis Trauma Amnesia
- Dissociationalist World
- Do e-cigarettes really help?
- Doctor sentenced to 7 years
- Dr. Peale then describes the healing of Charles through the power of Jesus Christ.
- Drink addiction rife among young and old in Sikh community
- Drinking alcohol can make you more vulnerable to cocaine addiction
- Drinking at home has become a problem in and around Yorkshire in the North of England
- Drinks industry downplaying alcohol-cancer link
- Driver too drunk to be charged
- Drug 10
- Drug Blocker
- Drug Courts American Model
- Drug Misuse and Transforming Identities: A Life Story Approach'
- Drug Policy Commission
- Drug Strategy
- Drug That Killed Michael Jackson
- Drug abuse among Americans aged 50 and older has risen sharply in recent years
- Drug addiction is health issue
- Drug addiction: 'Shocking' waiting list for help
- Drug addicts across the UK are being offered money to be sterilised by an American charity.
- Drug and alcohol treatment funding slashed across England by 16% in four years | The Independent
- Drug and alcohol treatment funding slashed across Lancashire
- Drug consumption rooms are making drugs safer but still aren't everywhere:
- Drug consumption rooms: Could they reduce addict deaths?
- Drug deaths in Newcastle at 'epidemic levels'
- Drug decriminalisation to be considered in event held by MP
- Drug takers 'are stigmatised by being called addicts'
- Drug traffickers are increasing imports of precursor chemicals used for processing opium poppy into heroin and morphine
- Drug-addicted-criminals-will-be-spared-jail
- Drugs mule sentences cut in new sentencing guidelines
- Drugsland: Inside Bristol’s unique fight against addiction
- Dublin Circuit Criminal Court
- Duff McKagan has revealed his autobiographical book offers a look into a ''cross section'' of his life
- Dying to get clean: is ibogaine the answer to heroin addiction?
- E-cigs 'can triple the risk of heart damage' for users
- Each addict can cost society not far off £850
- Eating Berries Could Guard Men Against Parkinson's
- Ecstasy alert after club deaths
- Ed Buggs died of a “cardiac event due to cocaine use
- Ed Sheeran reveals a secret battle with substance abuse
- Edinburgh
- Eminem Opens Up On Addiction And Coming Back From The Brink
- Eminem talks addiction
- Emotional eating is when people use food as a way to deal with feelings instead of to satisfy hunger.
- Enabling drug addicts
- England is one of the heaviest drinking countries in Europe
- Everton striker Wayne Rooney arrested on suspicion of drink-driving close to home in Cheshire
- Ex-addict Robbie Williams vows to help Ant McPartlin
- Ex-shopping addict Sharon Bull reveals a shopping addiction
- FDA warns on mixing opioid addiction treatments
- Facebook App Lets You Add Enemies Online
- Facebook's 'dark side': study finds link to socially aggressive narcissism
- Fact check: Claim Buckfast linked to 40 per cent of Scottish crimes is False
- Fearing death
- Fears over spiralling use of horror drug fentanyl that is FIFTY times stronger than heroin and killed 64
- Fentanyl scare: What to look for
- Fentanyl: The drug 50 times stronger than heroin
- Fergie Was 'Hallucinating on a Daily Basis' During Drug Addiction
- First case of laughing gas addiction treated in Singapore
- First look inside Britain's rehab for web junkies
- Food Can Be Addictive
- Food addiction
- For reasons still obscure
- For those coping with alcohol addiction
- Former Addict Urges Public To Support Loved Ones Battling Alcohol Dependency This Christmas
- Former Drug Kingpin Ike Atkinson
- Former heavyweight world champion Oliver McCall was arrested over the weekend in Ft. Lauderdale and charged with possession of cocaine
- Four former members of the Colombian army's special forces are training members of Los Zetas
- France
- Frightening 'Drug Threat Assessment' for the USA and Mexico
- From heroin addiction and divorces to abandonment by alcoholic mum and heartbreaking grief over dead sister:
- Gamblers could curb addiction in minutes with nasal spray
- Gambling charity ad banned over 'sexually coercive and abusive scenario
- Gambling-style apps offered on Facebook without age checks
- Geeks who invented online networking lead backlash at tech giants
- Geri Halliwell's lover was arrested for possessing cocaine after a night out at top London club.
- Glamour model Helen Hine reveals extent of diet pill addiction
- Glasgow
- Glasgow and Argyll and Clyde
- Glasgow drugs 'fix room' setback leads to call for urgent action
- Glasgow has UK's highest death rate
- Glasgow study reveals addiction recovery factors
- Google Bans Rehab-Related Search Ads In Another Country
- Google cancels UK ads from shady rehab clinic referrers already banned in US | TechCrunch
- Gora Sow
- Gordon Ramsay opens up about heroin addict brother
- Government accused of cutting vital drug and alcohol services as £43m slashed from addiction budgets
- Govt cuts stakes on 'crack cocaine' betting terminals in gambling review
- HEROIN'S most notable effect on the long-term user is not insanity
- HIV in Scotland: Do you know the facts?
- Harry Judd reveals how secret weed addiction left him with 'paranoia and anxiety'
- Hartlepool
- Have you been affected by the misuse of Pregabalin in the UK?
- Having a cocaine binge at the weekend followed by three or four diazepam to get to sleep on Sunday messes up the brain's chemistry
- Health Minister announces crackdown on foreigners using the Spanish Health Service
- Health With A Purpose
- Health department launches 'landmark review' of prescription drug addiction
- Heath Ledger's father seeks tighter scrutiny of prescription drugs
- Heathrow Airport
- Heaven singer Belinda Carlisle on drug addiction
- Heavy marijuana users showing up at the ER 'scromiting'
- Henrique Dornelles Forni
- Herbal anti-opioid supplement kratom could 'fuel new addiction
- Heroin addict jailed for stealing spree
- Heroin back with a vengeance
- Hold the caffeine to stop craving sweets
- Home Office officials
- Hospital admissions caused by booze are rocketing – costing the NHS billions
- How Alcohol Impacts Your Mood
- How British scientists are fighting the US heroin crisis
- How Charlie Sheen's rehab impacts CBS' 'Men'
- How Did Janis Joplin Die?
- How curse of drug addiction has seeped into Royal Family
- How dogs saved the lives of two drug addicts |
- How my addiction to social media affected my mental health and relationships
- How to spot if you have a porn addiction
- How to stop your smartphone from controlling your life
- How to tell when going to the gym turns into an addiction
- Huaxi: The socialist village where everyone is wealthy
- Huge rise in dumped needles spurs fresh calls for drug 'shooting gallery'
- Hurricanes drive addiction issues into public square
- I can watch my serenity level rise when I discard my expectations.
- I know I'm a chav but I've beaten my demons and look forward to baby number three
- I lost £9
- I was addicted to gambling machines at 16
- I'm hooked on webcam sex and have spent thousands of pounds
- Ice cream as 'addictive as drugs' says new study
- Identifying feelings
- Implanting the addiction-treatment drug buprenorphine in people who are opioid-dependent seems to reduce cravings
- Implants May Help Heroin Addiction
- Increase Spirituality
- Indivior sues rivals in battle to defend best-selling opioid addiction drug :
- Injecting drug use is driving the fastest-growing Aids epidemic in the world
- Inside Crackland: the open-air drug market
- Inside The Link Between Overdose Spikes And Treatment Cutbacks
- Internet Addiction Is A Real Thing
- Inverclyde Council’s alcohol service
- Ireland
- Is Spain becoming Europe's cannabis garden?
- Is internet addiction everybody's problem?
- Is it possible to effectively treat addiction without addressing the spiritual aspects of the problem
- Islington and Camden Drug Courts
- It's Not Dementia
- It's Time To Wage War On The Betting Shops And Mini Casinos
- It's Your Heart Medication: Cholesterol Drugs and Memory
- Italian police smash drug smuggling ring
- Jake 'The Snake' Roberts: WWE legend lifts lid on his fight with addiction - EXCLUSIVE | Daily Star
- Jamaican government has agreed to extradite drug suspect
- Jason Darren Cooper
- Jennifer Garner looks somber as she runs errands in LA
- Jeremy Kyle’s furious rant at crack addicted drug dealer
- Jim Davidson reveals the extent of his drug addiction
- Joe Calzaghe admitted he had used cocaine since quitting the sport.
- John Lennon's dream island where King of the Hippies reigned
- Justin Townes Earle looks back at year of recovery
- K2 or Spice
- Kansas woman kicks Coca-Cola addiction after 30 years
- Kathryn Fuller
- Katie Price hints she will forgive cheating husband
- Ketamine is the new ‘stuff’
- Kevin Spacey checks into celebrity rehab facility for 45 day sex addiction programme
- Kids with alcoholic parents linked to later domestic abuse
- Kieran Hayler says he will never be cured of his sex addiction
- Kristopher P. Calistro
- Kurt Angle reveals why he wants to wrestle Finn Balor
- LSD could treat alcoholism
- Lack of sleep linked to teen addiction
- Lady Gaga about her cocaine addiction saying she “believed it would have killed her”.
- Lamar Odom's daughter speaks out about Khloe Kardashian
- Lennon’s LSD stash ‘discovered’
- Life Is A Series Of Addictions And Without Them We Die:
- Liver deaths at all-time high
- Lock your doors alert as Whitby double murder suspect spotted on run
- Lohan is stuck in Cannes
- London's secret music venue and their livestream act
- Loose Women: Katie Price hints at Kieran's "horrific" past
- Louis Theroux Dark States: Heroin Town addict reveals secrets of addiction
- Louis Theroux's new documentary about drug addiction looks heartbreaking
- Love addiction signs | How to know if you're a love addict:
- MP’s fears of ‘biblical scale’ of US drug deaths
- Maine leads the country in prescription drug-related personal and property crime
- Malta
- Man shot in Brunswick
- Manchester Airport
- Media Goes Into Meltdown
- Medicinal Cannabis - The Solution To An Opioid Crisis?
- Meet the tech evangelist who now fears for our mental health
- Mel B battles to keep explosive divorce details secret
- Melbourne blogger who had drug addiction gives advice
- Melinda Zsuzsanna Meszaros
- Mephedrone
- Mephedrone is a recreational drug
- Met chief to 'tag and test' drinkers in crime drive
- Mexico opposition may work with criminals
- Mexico’s military says soldiers freed 61 men being held captive by the Zetas drug cartel for use as forced labor
- Michael Douglas' son was sentenced to five years in prison today
- Millennials are less likely to use opioids to manage pain
- Minimum Unit Pricing: a welcome and useful form of alcohol regulation
- Minimum pricing won’t end alcoholism
- Miss Plummer was sentenced to three years in prison
- Mobile phones and SIM cards have been found in cells at Bristol Prison
- Mohammed Umar
- Money spent on nicotine patches 'goes up in smoke'
- Montreal criminal lawyer Gilles Doré — who has represented alleged Hells Angels — is in hospital with serious injuries
- More Than Half Of All Drug Arrests In U.S. Are For Marijuana
- More people are getting addicted to over-the-counter drugs than heroin
- More than 25 million people dying in agony without morphine every year
- More than 700 'drug-dealing communication lines' across UK
- Moving to synthetic drugs
- Mum and son lose 21st together after kicking their junk food addictions
- Mum tells of battle to beat a serious addiction to Diet Coke
- Murder in the Rooms of AA
- My 20k Diet Coke Addiction Was Harder To Quit Than Smoking
- My sex addiction and uncontrollable rage are going to turn me into a murderer
- NASA is currently investigating the origins of a bag containing cocaine
- NDLEA arrests 21 for drug trafficking
- NJ Town First to Consider Medical Marijuana
- Nacro
- Naomi Campbell has revealed that she hated herself and found it hard to look at the mirror when she was a cocaine addict.
- Nearly 100 teenagers made homeless each day due to alcoholic parents
- Nearly six deaths in every 100
- Needles on the streets
- Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
- New Brain Research Helps Explain Drug Addiction
- New ecstasy fears after two dead and one seriously ill following club weekend
- New fingerprint test that detects cocaine in 30 seconds
- New heroin vaccine helps users quit by blocking its effects
- New info about statin safety affects millions
- Newcastle
- Newfoundlanders arrested in RCMP drug bust
- News
- Nicotine addiction: clinical review
- Nightingale Road in Eston and West Dyke Road in Redcar.
- Nitrous oxide causes UK drug law confusion
- Not Jail Time
- Number of UK crack users seeking help to beat addiction is up 23%
- Number of drug-related deaths in Scotland has increased by a quarter
- Number of people seeking help with meth has tripled
- Obese man with addiction to Coca-Cola downed 40 cans a day
- On-duty NHS specialists are set to join a hi-tech government crackdown on the smuggling of class A drugs into the UK
- One way to think about dissociation is that it’s the opposite of meditation
- Online gambling generates billions in revenue but who are the real winners?
- Opiates Killed 8 Americans In Afghanistan
- Opioid crisis
- Orange is the New Black
- Overcoming cocaine addiction is a difficult task but it is not impossible.
- Oxford University in England
- PREGNANT Filipinas are the favorite “carriers” of drug syndicates bringing illegal drugs to China and Malaysia
- Painkillers in Maine: A cure that came with a curse
- Parenting Child With Drug Addiction Personal Experience
- Perry's weight fluctuated drastically during his time on Friends as a result of his substance abuse and treatment
- Peru two drugs mule Michaella McCollum
- Pete Doherty
- Philip Seymour Hoffman's partner breaks silence on relapse
- Places & Things
- Police arrest 300 in cannabis crackdown
- Pop star Fergie has opened up about her struggle with meth addiction during her pre-Black Eyed Peas days
- Port of Karachi
- Powerful painkiller use 'doubled in 15 years'
- Practicing a Rule of Life with others moves us against the grain of our individualistic culture.
- Pregabalin
- Prescription Drug Arrest
- Prescription drug addiction:
- Prescription opioid abuse rising in UK
- Prescription opioid misuse in the UK
- Prison and Addiction Unit
- Prison staff struggling to cope as spice epidemic grows in UK's jails
- Privileged teenagers at GREATER risk of drug addiction
- Problem gamblers place up to 90 bets a day
- Psychedelic drink used by the Amazonians ‘could be used to treat depression and alcoholism’
- Psychiatrist explains dangerous effects of cocaine addiction:
- Pul-e-Charkhi prison
- Raids blunt medical marijuana season
- Raped
- Rat fathers pass on cocaine addiction to their babies:
- Recovering Dundee drug addicts to be given cameras to capture their lives for new project - Evening Telegraph
- Recovering alcoholic Matt Maden: I began drinking at 10 and now I'm facing death at 26
- Reed College on notice that they want a 'zero-tolerance' policy for all illegal drugs -- including marijuana -- on the famously nonconformist campus."
- Reflections on Gandhi
- Reformed sex addict Russell Brand tells Katie Price to throw out cheating Kieran Hayler after he REFUSES rehab
- Reggae singer Buju Banton was arrested Thursday in Miami.
- Regular drinking habit comes with age
- Research
- Researchers completing a new study on alcohol consumption have discovered that college-age students who binge drink are happier than those who don't.
- Revealed: how gambling industry targets poor people and ex-gamblers
- Richard Bafaro tearfully apologized in court Friday
- Richard Branson tells MPs
- Rick Bafaro and his ex-wife Jessica Ruth were hailed in 2002 as one of Yaletown’s “glam couples.
- Rick Perry takes military-style tack to protect Texas border from Mexican cartels
- Rid of the pain of heroin
- Risky Gamblers For Addiction Help
- Robbie Williams reveals breakdown after Australia tour |
- Robbie Williams says he was high when he met wife Ayda
- Rollin' 60s
- Roxies sell on the street for as much as $30 per pill and offer a high that tops crack
- Rule of Life is an intentional pattern of spiritual disciplines that provides structure and direction for growth
- Rupert Murdoch was branded “not a fit person” to run a major company
- Russell Brand gives Katie Price advice to help sex addict husband
- Russell Brand opens up about addiction in his new book
- Russell Brand speaks about ongoing battle with drug and sex addiction
- Russell Brand to address Momentum’s festival at Labour Party conference on addiction and mental health
- Ryan A. Maxwell
- Ryanair threatens surcharge on flights to Spain
- Sam Ibrahim headed to jail
- Sara J. Seymour knows the horrors of heroin addiction firsthand
- Sarah Harding has completed her 2-month stint in rehab
- Says Dr. Nora Volkow
- Scheme in which heroin is given to addicts in supervised clinics has led to big reductions in the use of street drugs and crime
- Scientists find compelling evidence for internet addiction
- Scientists think the belief that part of us is eternal emerges early in life:
- Scientists will soon be examining Scottish toddlers aged 24-30months
- Scotland
- Scott Hall Arrested for Beating GF -- He'd Been 'Drinking for Days'
- Scottish government
- Sculptor Daisy Boyd found dead after split from Macmillan publishing heir
- Serial Killer’ drug strikes UK after causing deadly addiction epidemic in US
- Sex addict' therapy unlikely to help Harvey Weinstein: experts
- Sex addiction clinic opens in Devon
- Sex addiction: A therapist explains what it really means
- Sex addicts reveal life with condition including 50 orgasms a DAY
- Sex cases put spotlight on sex addiction
- Sexual Health Week 2017
- Sgt Harry Tangye 'fed up with drug addicts' Twitter row - BBC News
- Shallow graves in Thailand's drug warehouse
- Sheen hospitalized after wild party
- Sheen's ex-wife charged with cocaine distribution
- Shock new figures reveal North Lanarkshire drug deaths double
- Smartphone 'addiction' increasingly seen as problem by consumers:
- Smartphone addict goes BLIND in one eye after 24-hour gaming binge
- Smokers could one day be immunised against nicotine so they gain no pleasure from the habit
- Smoking cannabis does make people more violent
- Smoking shisha can kill
- Sometimes going to meeting resembles taking a small child to an old victorian public lavatory
- Spanish
- Staff at Heathrow airport uncovered drugs when they stopped a consignment of souvenirs from South Africa earlier this month.
- Stansted Airport
- Stephen Belafonte's sex tape to be used as evidence
- Stephen Fry 'took cocaine to enjoy crosswords'
- Steve Grand
- Stilnoct
- Strange and outrageous chemicals
- Stub It Out This October And Feel Healthier For Life
- Students at one of the world's most prestigious educational institutions
- Study Suggests Link Between Narcissism And Facebook
- Study: Your smartphone addiction may be linked to your kids' bad behaviour
- Sunbeds turn one in five into ‘tanning addicts’
- Sustance abuse amongst children and teenagers
- Swapping one addiction for another
- TV Choice Awards 2017: Ant and Dec win Best Entertainment Show
- TWO barmen went on trial yesterday for the unlawful killing of a customer who died from alcohol poisoning.
- Tags: Major League Baseball Texas Rangers Ron Washington
- Taiwan's battle with betel nut addiction:
- Tatum O'Neal on her new podcast
- Tatum will star as a heroin addict on a seven-day detox
- Teens 'rebelling against social media'
- Tehran says Dutch woman hanged for smuggling drugs
- Ten Filipino “drug mules” have been sentenced to “death without reprieve” in China.
- Ten Stages the revolutionary recovery that is the only health based model that strikes at the roots of addiction
- Terrence Bowler
- Terry Glenn arrested once again
- The 10 most addictive foods
- The Big Smoke: how would legalising cannabis change London?:
- The Brain is highly plastic. It has to be
- The British Crime Survey
- The Debrief’s Guide to Drinks and Drugs at Christmas Time
- The Five Keys to Mindful Communication
- The Milkman
- The Netherlands is embarking on a crusade against its multi-billion-euro marijuana industry
- The Opioid Timebomb:
- The Priest who left his Religion in pursuit of spirituality
- The Recovery Network
- The Revolutionary Recovery & Support Program Ten Stages with its program demonstrating the power of the child within has a new domain name
- The Rise of the Dark Souls
- The Stages has no religion
- The Ten Stages and its revelations and unique journey inward are simple and effective in dealing with the chaotic outside world of trauma
- The Ten Stages are studied recovery.
- The Ten Stages revolutionary approach to the addiction industry makes the fellowships redundant
- The Tory government is failing patients as cuts claim more victims
- The UK could become a hub for smuggling the herbal stimulant khat
- The addicted brain is distinctly different from the nonaddicted brain
- The children aged ten who are addicted to social media
- The chronology of cannabis
- The drug addictions devastating Thai villages
- The drug industry's greed is driving up the staggering cost of America's opioid addiction:
- The drug that's deadlier than heroin
- The drugs people want to quit – and the ones they want to keep taking
- The emergence of the 'pornosexual': internet users who shun sex with real people:
- The extent of our smartphone addiction revealed
- The five most addictive substances in the world
- The heir to the multibillion-pound Tetra Pak empire is being treated at a hospital as police wait to interview him in connection with the death of his wife.
- The important thing with serotonin
- The joy of life for my Spanish Rainbow
- The mother of an Internet-obsessed 11 year old boy in China knifed her son after growing distraught by his Web-gaming addiction
- The new concept of renewal that is taking the addiction industry by storm.
- The power of addiction explored in People
- The pursuit of pleasure is a modern-day addiction
- The results strongly suggest that the mechanism of depression after alcohol drinking may be related to serotonin.
- The scary effects of pornography
- The shocking truth about sunbeds and what addiction could do to your health
- The singer was found five times over the drink-drive limit
- The zombies of USA city with a hopeless addiction
- The £100 spin is deadly' TV writer and ex-gambler calls for ban on highly addictive slot machines -
- They’re here
- This is how we define Stages Recovery.
- This man travelled 30
- This photographer reveals the dark side of addiction on the streets of Philadelphia
- Tiger Woods 'checks into rehab for addiction to prescription painkillers
- Times of change in our recovery can be unnerving.
- To live in communion
- Tobacco display ban 'to curb young smokers'
- Toddlers at risk of tech addiction as parents rely on gadgets to entertain kids
- Too middle class to be hooked on painkillers?
- Transnational Crimes and Narcotics Division
- Triggers and flashbacks are clues to our dissociated abuse
- Troubled David Arquette enters rehab centre
- Troubled singer Amy Winehouse died yesterday of a suspected drug overdose at her London home.
- True guilt is guilt at the obligation one owes to oneself to be oneself.
- Twitter addict? Too much Internet may alter your brain
- Two other Britons suspected of involvement in the operation have been arrested in Spain
- Two-thirds of smokers try to quit in new year
- U.K Drug Courts
- UC Berkeley researchers pinpoint areas of brain linked with addiction
- UK Gambling Commission Publishes Gambling Behaviour Report
- UK Online Study IDs Night-Owl
- UK crackdown: Record £7.8m fine for 888 gambling site
- UK gambling map of misery shows how betting shops cluster in poverty areas
- UK has the highest rate of drug misuse in Europe
- UK's Successful Research Career Development Program Receives Renewed Funding
- UK's first openly gay soldier discusses his addiction to sex and drugs
- US agents laundered drug money
- Understand the inherently peaceful presence of Awareness the art of Living in the NOW
- United Nations
- VICTORIA is in the grip of a cocaine boom with a hit of the drug now cheaper at $20 than a footy ticket
- Venezuela on Tuesday deported three suspected drug smugglers wanted in the United States
- Viagra will be available over the counter in UK
- Vivitrol
- Warning signs that may show someone is addicted to prescription medication
- Wayne Rooney is warned by top psychotherapist
- Wayne Rooney ‘was driving brunette office worker
- We are addicts. We are addicted to dissociation.
- We are called Addiction UK and we dont believe that addiction exists.
- We have to stop our DISSY lives starting to live in true recovery
- We model something that everyone needs: a connection with and a public acknowledgement of our beautiful and disenfranchised child within.
- We need Recovery bypass surgery when our fear blocks us from feeling
- We weren’t Addicted. We were just dissociated.
- Westminster
- What cannabis actually does to your brain
- What is Heroin Addiction Pennsylvania?
- What is the vaccine to treat heroin addiction?
- What it's really like to be a love addict
- What's Left of Us
- When 50 Shades of Grey doesn’t cut it.
- When Does Consciousness Arise in Human Babies?
- When we act or speak in a way that makes us feel good about ourself
- Whitney Houston drowned after cocaine use
- Whitney Houston full autopsy report to offer more details
- Whitney Houston's kid in coke scandal
- Who is Adwoa Aboah?
- Why Athletes Are Attracted To Substance
- Why don't GPS warn you that statins can harm your memory?
- Why there's probably no such thing as an addictive personality
- Winehouse's death points to risk of detoxing alone
- Woman caught bringing heroin to her prison pal
- X Factor star Aidan Martin says cocaine addiction 'spiralled'
- X Factor's James Arthur reveals secret Rita Ora fling turned him into a sex addict
- Youths 'underestimate alcohol unit'
- Zombie drug epidemic as Spice spreads to Cardiff
- Zombie' drug spice takes over Lincoln
- a 5-year-old chimpanzee participating in a 16-month cocaine study
- a former heroin addict who cheated death during the 1990s
- a potent
- a synthetic substance that
- a veterinary anti-parasitic drug.
- abused and addicted to crack
- according to researchers in the US.
- actor Corey Haim died from an apparent accidental drug overdose
- addiction and conspiracy theories.
- admitted to the Castle Craig clinic in the Borders
- age of miracles
- alcohol in red wine actually weakens its ability to lower blood pressure.
- alcoholic thinking:
- although controversial
- always. Life is too short to do or be any other way.:
- and Bryan M. Stigle
- and certain processed fatty foods
- and staff.
- anonymous tipster in the San Gabriel Valley and obtained a warrant from an LA County judge
- being a child star and her recovery from drug addiction
- black tar heroin is now being converted to a brown granular powder that resembles parmesan cheese which makes it much more appealing to the younger children
- blow for Deadliest Catch parties up north.
- body brokers took daughter from rehab
- boring and often painful route
- but is it real?
- called CocE
- charity worker employed by one of David Cameron’s Big Society gurus has been arrested on suspicion of smuggling cocaine with a street value of £120
- cheap heroin which can kill users before they pull the syringe from their veins
- children's commissioners
- claims campaigners - Get Surrey
- close down methadone treatment the community can anticipate more overdose deaths
- co-defendant in the Hells Angels trial last week was found not guilty on several charges.
- cocaine alters the way the genes in your brain operate
- cocaine is still king
- committed people can change the world.
- confiscation of three tons of marijuana in the Netherlands
- controversial scheme to give addicts heroin at supervised clinics
- cost of alcohol to British society is currently estimated at over £25bn per annum.
- criminal justice system
- dead from a heroin overdose
- dervishes: here is the water of life. Dance in it.
- diligently use the Four Steps
- disease and taxes
- disease or moral turpitude - it's constipation
- drug abuse and mental illness
- drug addicts or obese
- drug and alcohol services face massive cuts
- ecstasy and heroin in her system when she died
- enzyme
- evil Buckfast tonic wine
- expect more arrests
- family
- four people were hanged in the central prison of Yazd province after they were convicted of drug smuggling
- from Kingston
- from the addiction to the "buyer’s itch"
- gay singer-songwriter
- girlfriend of actor Michael Douglas' wayward son was freed Tuesday after spending seven months in jail for becoming embroiled in Cameron Douglas' downward spiral with drugs.
- gives users a marijuana-like high
- graphic warning labels depicting diseased lungs
- has recently gained attention in scientific literature and comes under the realm of atypical eating disorders.
- have been warned against dealing in heroin.
- heroin or meth
- heroin prescribing on the NHS
- heroin use in North west Wales
- home
- if arresting people for drugs was a sign of success in The War on Drugs
- in genuine dialogue with others is absolutely necessary if man is to remain human.
- including his battles with drink and drugs
- inexpensive
- inside a water heater he brought from India.
- is a so-called extended-release formulation of the drug naltrexone
- is likely to be arrested and prosecuted by police
- is not allied to any group or cult. The Ten Stages is a simple study course.
- is to keep it at steady levels.
- known as 'new valium'
- known as the "drugs death capital" of the UK
- laundering the proceeds of their drugs network by buying chateaux and villas across the Dordogne
- led the £62 million syndicate which brought the drugs into the UK hidden in boxes of flowers from Holland
- legalizing the kinds of drugs
- list of drunks whose loutish behaviour led to them being banned from pubs and clubs at the turn of the last century has been launched online.
- made by Massachusetts drug maker Alkermes
- many teens were using the Internet as a tool for exploring questions of personal identity
- may be an excellent candidate for clinical use
- more HIV and more crime.
- more important
- more than 900000 Afghans are hooked on heroin
- no spirituality
- not police issue
- number of under-25s seeking treatment for dependency on cocaine is rising significantly
- of Marta Drive
- of the 100 block of Sixth Avenue
- of the 1500 block of Birmingham Lane in Crystal Lake
- on the outskirts of Kabul
- other meds
- people don't really want to be happy
- people don't really want to change
- people who use cocaine on warm days face an elevated risk of accidental overdose leading to death.
- police allege
- police raid in Glasgow.
- pregabalin and gabapentin to treat chronic pain and anxiety. The drugs are also licensed to treat epilepsy.
- quarter of men aged 18-24 are worried about the amount of porn they are watching on the internet
- report warns
- reveals French research
- reveals addiction struggle
- right through childhood to the rest of the lifespan.
- risk catching deadly viruses such as HIV
- robberies and aggravated and simple assaults.
- said although the details of her story may be unique
- saying he had been forced to pay $70
- says 'The bigger the crowd
- says Danniella Westbrook - Mirror Online
- says MP
- says coroner
- says medicines regulator
- scheme will get underway in Cambridgeshire next month
- seizure was the biggest ever made in Aarhus
- semi-processed form of the drug that has spread across the United States
- sentenced Michael Douglas' son to five years in prison on drug charges
- she believes others can relate to the universal aspects of substance abuse.
- shut down drive-through drug operation near University Mall
- slow
- so that we can pursue different rewards as we develop
- socially disruptive narcissists More Facebook Friends You Have
- something very bad will happen if the right solution isn’t found.
- stash of chocolate truffles was seized at a New York airport because they were stuffed with $500
- stop and acknowledge it.
- study says
- success and her newly found peace
- successfully building their own future lives using what they discover on the Web
- sugar
- surgery
- suspects are accused of using ‘paper’ companies as a front for drug smuggling
- the Black Mask
- the Chicago area had the most heroin-related hospital visits in the nation.
- the Internet has many of us on a very short leash – an addictive one.
- the More Unhappy You Are
- the Thunder Bikers and the Iron Beast
- the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Wednesday.
- the bigger my habit got'
- the government says.
- the long
- the program and the fellowship of AA could cause a surrender which in turn would lead to a period of no drinking.
- then I guess our government has won.
- then they just die’: opioid addiction kills
- three Filipinos were executed by lethal injection in China after being convicted for drug trafficking.
- thunderstorm raging over Jamaica
- timesofmalta
- to be made class C drug after deaths
- to test their capacity for violent crime
- tranquiliser
- two tones of hard drugs reportedly worth over one billion dollars (not less than 26 billion dalasi) was seized in this country
- typical heroin user is often depicted on television as an unclean person sitting next to some back-alley garbage dumpster with a needle in his or her arm
- ultra-potent heroin that sells for as little as $10 a bag
- under-age drinking
- usually used as an anesthetic
- warning labels on cigarette packs and advertisements are about to get a lot more grisly this fall.
- was among those arrested and that he was a principal distributor of synthetic drugs in Rio
- was arrested for smuggling the white crystal powder
- was honored for his sobriety Friday by a charity that helps musicians who have fallen on hard times.
- was observed this week lying to the faces of friends
- were arrested
- when smoked
- where exactly do the authorities get their heroin from?
- where her lawyer says her passport was stolen.
- which is usually snorted by users. It is often described as a mix between ecstasy and cocaine.
- which specialises in the treatment of drug and drink problems.
- who barely survived taking contaminated cocaine that killed her 'Amazing Race' producer boss
- who got sober 21 years ago
- with admissions for treatment
- with per capita mortality rates higher than any other city.
- with three empty vodka bottles next to her.
- woman from Valletta was today jailed for two years and three months after she admitted to smuggling 12 pieces of cannabis grass hidden in dates into prison
- young drug users sitting on the kerbside on Dublin's main street and lying passed out in a nearby laneway."
- Norway Has Just Decriminalised Drugs To Give Addicts Treatment
- Russell Brand Is Celebrating 15 Years Free From Drugs And Alcohol
- ‘Slob’ Simmons had sex sickness says Ace
- “I was asked to provide this letter by other members of the family.”Miss McDonagh did admit that she knew her relative was in court over “issues to do with drugs”.
- ”
Nearly six deaths in every 100,000 people is attributed to an overdose of heroin or morphine | Reading Chronicle
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Nearly six deaths in every 100,000 people is attributed to an overdose of heroin or morphine | Reading Chronicle: 'via Blog this'…
Sometimes going to meeting resembles taking a small child to an old victorian public lavatory
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Sometimes going to a meeting resembles taking a small child to an old victorian public lavatory with the all pervading stench of stale piss, regurgitated vomit of old experiences, shit stained bowls …
‘At my peak I was on seven bars a day’: Meet the British students addicted to Xanax
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
‘At my peak I was on seven bars a day’: Meet the British students addicted to Xanax: 'via Blog this' The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearnin…
The Opioid Timebomb: Victory for the Standard with addiction warnings set to be put on painkiller packaging | London Evening Standard
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The Opioid Timebomb: Victory for the Standard with addiction warnings set to be put on painkiller packaging | London Evening Standard: 'via Blog this'…
Ant McPartlin arrested after 'drink-drive crash' as three-year-old girl rushed to hospital - Daily Record
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Ant McPartlin arrested after 'drink-drive crash' as three-year-old girl rushed to hospital - Daily Record: 'via Blog this' :Text may be subject to copyright.This blog does not claim copyright to any…
OPIOID HELL: The zombies of USA city with a hopeless addiction | UK | News |
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
OPIOID HELL: The zombies of USA city with a hopeless addiction | UK | News | 'via Blog this'…
Addiction crisis fears as opioid painkiller overdoses soar in UK
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Addiction crisis fears as opioid painkiller overdoses soar in UK: 'via Blog this'…
Meet the tech evangelist who now fears for our mental health | Technology | The Guardian
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Meet the tech evangelist who now fears for our mental health | Technology | The Guardian: 'via Blog this'…
The 10 most addictive foods | The Independent
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The 10 most addictive foods | The Independent: 'via Blog this'…
1000 children may have been victims in Britain's biggest ever child abuse scandal - NZ Herald
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
1000 children may have been victims in Britain's biggest ever child abuse scandal - NZ Herald: 'via Blog this'…
Bristol named cocaine capital of UK - Bristol Post
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Bristol named cocaine capital of UK - Bristol Post: 'via Blog this'…
First look inside Britain's rehab for web junkies | Daily Mail Online
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
First look inside Britain's rehab for web junkies | Daily Mail Online: 'via Blog this'…
Prescription drug addiction: Nicki Hari has hysterectomy to fuel addiction
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Prescription drug addiction: Nicki Hari has hysterectomy to fuel addiction: 'via Blog this'…
Needles on the streets - Manchester city centre's heroin addiction - Manchester Evening News
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Needles on the streets - Manchester city centre's heroin addiction - Manchester Evening News: 'via Blog this'…
Health department launches 'landmark review' of prescription drug addiction in UK | The Independent
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
A pill for every ill: Two million Brits have become addicted to prescription drugs Health department launches 'landmark review' of prescription drug addiction in UK | The Independent: We know this i…
Drug takers 'are stigmatised by being called addicts', report warns
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Drug takers 'are stigmatised by being called addicts', report warns: 'via Blog this'…
Google Bans Rehab-Related Search Ads In Another Country After Embarrassing Report | Gizmodo Australia
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Google Bans Rehab-Related Search Ads In Another Country After Embarrassing Report | Gizmodo Australia: 'via Blog this'…
Apple investors warn iPhone addiction is 'growing public health crisis' and demand action to curb children's gadget use - Mirror Online
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Apple investors warn iPhone addiction is 'growing public health crisis' and demand action to curb children's gadget use - Mirror Online: 'via Blog this'…
Gamblers could curb addiction in minutes with nasal spray | Daily Mail Online
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Gamblers could curb addiction in minutes with nasal spray | Daily Mail Online: 'via Blog this'…
Google cancels UK ads from shady rehab clinic referrers already banned in US | TechCrunch
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Google cancels UK ads from shady rehab clinic referrers already banned in US | TechCrunch: "Google has reaped “millions” from shady companies that advertise online as help lines for people suffering …
Doctors call for painkiller crackdown over addiction fears | Daily Mail Online
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Doctors call for painkiller crackdown over addiction fears | Daily Mail Online: "More than a million Britons have been prescribed pregabalin and gabapentin to treat chronic pain and anxiety. The drug…
Dissociationalist World
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Bizarre love triangle of Laura Plummer in Egyptian jail | Daily Mail Online
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Bizarre love triangle of Laura Plummer in Egyptian jail | Daily Mail Online: "On Boxing Day, Miss Plummer was sentenced to three years in prison, thanks to the 290 tablets of the pain-killing synthet…
This photographer reveals the dark side of addiction on the streets of Philadelphia | Metro News
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
This photographer reveals the dark side of addiction on the streets of Philadelphia | Metro News: 'via Blog this'…
Addicts warned: Facebook groups are not anonymous
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Addicts warned: Facebook groups are not anonymous: "People seeking help from support groups on Facebook are warned that their membership may not be as private as hoped." 'via Blog this'…
Glamour model Helen Hine reveals extent of diet pill addiction on Channel 5 show | Bridgwater Mercury
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Glamour model Helen Hine reveals extent of diet pill addiction on Channel 5 show | Bridgwater Mercury: 'via Blog this'…
The children aged ten who are addicted to social media | Daily Mail Online
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The children aged ten who are addicted to social media | Daily Mail Online: 'via Blog this'…
Waitrose bans sale of high-caffeine energy drinks to under-16s - BBC News
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Waitrose bans sale of high-caffeine energy drinks to under-16s - BBC News: "Waitrose is to ban the sale of high-caffeine energy drinks to children aged under 16. The supermarket said customers buying…
Are we reaching the end of the US opioid epidemic? | Daily Mail Online
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Are we reaching the end of the US opioid epidemic? | Daily Mail Online: "The opioid epidemic's death toll climbs daily, and some experts worry the end is nowhere in sight If the opioid crisis acts li…